Thursday, March 8, 2018

Acidity and Human Diseases

Throughout your lifespan, your body cells replicate and rejuvenate for cellular health. However, cell replication and rejuvenation require an optimum environment, which is a balance of acid and alkaline in your body. When your body is too acidic, the tissues of your cells are forced to give up their alkaline reserves, and thus depleting them of alkaline minerals, which are the components of the tissues themselves.

Where does the acid come from?

Acidification may come from taking too much food that contains great amounts of acid, such as animal proteins and sugars. The sources of acidity from drinks are alcohol, coffee, sodas, and tea. Even tobacco smoke can cause acidification in the respiratory system.

How do foods cause acidification?

Your digestion of animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and cheese, produces amino acids (containing acid minerals, such as phosphorus and sulphur) during digestion process, and uric acids during acidic degradation.

Your digestion of glucose may be adversely affected by poor metabolism, and thus turning originally alkaline foods into acidic ones.

Acid foods are citrus fruits and berries, unripe fruits, and acidic vegetables (such as tomato and watercress), honey, and vinegar. However, acidic foods may be alkalizing, if your body metabolism is efficient and capale of metabolizing and oxidizing the acid.

Remember, always eat the fruit, instead of drinking its juice. The reason is that alkaline minerals are present in the pulp, and the juice without the pulp is therefore more acidic.

Alkalizing foods include green vegetables, potato, and dried fruits. Dried fruits are alkalizing because much of the acid has been removed through the drying process.

For optimum health and wellness, you need to eat a well balanced diet. Too much acid, in particular, is a cause of disease for the following reasons:

(1) The corrosive nature of acid irritates your body organs, causing inflammation, which is often a source of pain, and hardening of tissues, such as your arteries.

(2) Acidic sweat may cause skin allergy, especially in areas where sweat seems to accumulate, such as your armpits.

(3) Acidic urine may also cause infection and inflammation in the urinary tract, resulting in bladder problems.

(4) Acidification produces free radicals, affecting your immune system.

(5) Too much acid reduces the activity of enzymes in your body, and thus resulting in improper digestion and poor assimilation of nutrients.

The optimum acid and alkaline levels (known as the pH scale, which is between one and fourteen, with seven being neutral) should be between 7.30 and 7.40. Deviations above or below this range can signal potentially disease symptoms.

Just remember that cancer cells are acidic. Read my book: Congratulations. You've Got Cancer. It will change the way you look at cancer.

Acid Alkaline Diet provides excellent information on how to maintain a balance of acid and alkaline in your blood, body tissues, and body fluids for optimum health and wellness.

Stephen Lau
Copyright © 2018 by Stephen Lau

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