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Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Healthy Immune System (1)

The Immune System

A healthy immune system is the best way to prevent the occurrence of an autoimmune disease, such as myasthenia gravis.

The human immune system is complicated in that it affects the whole body system in many different ways. As such, it can heal you but it can also harm you. It protects your cells and maintains your overall health through its production of antibodies (specific proteins) to fight against antigens (invaders to your body system). However, an impaired immune system can adversely affect your health because it is the common denominator of more than 100 autoimmune diseases.

The Cellular Health

Cells make up your organs. When cells die, your organs fail and health deteriorates, and you age and die.
To maintain and sustain life, some of your cells replicate themselves continually, such as epithelial cells in your intestine, while others do not divide, such as your heart cells and neurons in your brain.

The good news is that, on average, most normal human cells have more than 100 years of lifespan built into them.

The bad news is that all human cells require energy and oxygen to function normally, and in this oxidative process free radicals are created. For example, when you breathe in life-giving oxygen, you also breathe out harmful carbon dioxide. This oxidative process is how your Creator has ingeniously built normal cell death into your body system to ensure your immortality. Slowly and accumulatively, these free radicals build up in your cells, leading to premature cell death. You cannot prolong life indefinitely, but you can extend lifespan by slowing down the oxidative process of free radicals. In other words, eradication of free radicals holds the key to health and longevity.

Premature cell death is due to both human and environmental factors, such as bacteria and viruses, free radicals, toxins, and trauma, which can cause irreparable damage to your cells, and thus instrumental in accelerating the demise of these cells. However, many of these factors are not only avoidable but also preventable.

Essentially, genes play an important role in determining the quality of your genes. In other words, your genetic time clock governs how long your cells will live, and this is partially determined at birth. However, your objective is to outpace your genetic time clock. Remember, nothing is set in stone; you always have a choice—the choice is all yours.

(Next time: how body cells may damage your immune system)

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Meditation and Myasthenia Gravis

Meditation is a powerful tool for holistic healing for myasthenia gravis, which is an autoimmune disease, and stress is one of its underlying causes. Relaxation also helps to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Meditation is a proven mind-body therapy for body-mind relaxation.

The healing power of meditation lies in its capability to focus the mind solely on the very present moment, thereby removing memories of the past and worries of the future. Meditation helps you focus your mind on the present moment to the exclusion of past and future thoughts. The mind in its natural and perfect stillness relaxes completely.

In contemporary living, your mind is often riddled with thoughts of what you just did, what you will do, or should have done. Nearly all your thoughts, including your desires and fears, are based on either the past or the future. Your desires are no more than recollections of the past pleasures and hopes of repeating them in the future. Fears are also memories of past pain, and your efforts to avoid the pain in the future. All these rambling thoughts in your subconscious mind indirectly affect your conscious mind, and hence your body and your eyes.

In the present, your mind is always preoccupied with the past or the future, leaving little or no room for the present moment, which, ironically enough, is the only reality. The past was gone, and the future is unknown; only the present is “real.” The present is a gift, and that is why it is called “present.” But, unfortunately, most of us do not live in the present, not to mention appreciate it, because the present is interlaced with the past and the future. Meditation is about re-focusing on the present moment.

The mental focus of meditation is not quite the same as the mental concentration, such as solving a difficult math problem or while performing a complex mental task. Meditation is focusing on something seemingly insignificant (such as your breathing) or spontaneous (such as eating and even driving) such that your mind can be conditioned to focusing on only the present moment. In this way, your mind concentration excludes all past and future thoughts, thereby instrumental in giving your mind a meaningful break. It is in this sublime mental state that you are capable of understanding the true nature of things, and their relativity to the meaning of life and existence. Meditation awakens you to what is real or what is quasi real.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau