human immune system is a complicated built-in mechanism that is equipped with
antibodies to enable self-protection and self-healing from any disease or
disorder. Unfortunately, this innate protective system may have become
compromised and even dysfunctional such that its immune defenses may mistakenly
attack the body’s own healthy cells. This malfunctioning of the immune system
is known as autoimmunity.
truth of the matter is that autoimmunity is present in every one of us to some
extent, especially if that individual has a weakened immune system. Therefore,
a strong and healthy immune system holds the key to avoiding autoimmunity,
which can affect almost any organ or body system, causing more than 100 types
of chronic conditions and diseases, including multiple sclerosis, type 1
diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and myasthenia gravis, among many
others, known as autoimmune diseases. In an autoimmune disease, the
dysfunctional immune system attacks its own cells, mistaking them for foreign
invaders. Autoimmunity can be triggered by many environmental, physical, as
well as emotional factors, such that it can cause a broad spectrum of human
illnesses. To avoid or reduce the symptoms of an autoimmune disease, boosting
the immune system is a necessity.
of the ways of strengthening the immune system naturally is to do it according to
the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has focused on the concept of
balance and harmony in health and wellness, in particular, in the immune
balance in Chinese diet
Chinese "yin" and "yang" diet is the healthy diet of
balance and harmony to boost the immune system.
unique Chinese concept of food originates from the Five Elements (wood,
fire, earth, metal, and water), which are not only fundamental to the cycles of
Nature but also corresponding to the human body. According to the Five
Elements, the body organs are a network of functions and inter-relationships,
manifested in the balance and harmony of "yin" and "yang."
(For more information, visit my web page: Chinese Health.)
the Chinese concept of "yin" and "yang" diet is based on the
principles of control and restrain to attain
a healthy immune system.
three basic food types
to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all foods come into three types: cold ("yin"), hot ("yang"),
and neutral.
main functions of "yin" foods include: cooling the body;
loosening muscles; reducing body tension; inducing natural sleep; slowing down
body movement; and loosening bowels.
of "yin" foods include: apples, apricots, blueberries, grapes,
strawberries, watermelons (moderate "yin" fruits); burdock,
cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, onion, parsley, pea, scallion (moderate
"yin" vegetables); most tropical fruits, nuts, dairy
products, stimulants (alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, spices), chemicals and drugs
(extreme "yin" foods).
main functions of "yang" foods include: warming the body; tightening
muscles; causing body tension; increasing body movement; promoting wakefulness;
and hardening bowels.
of "yang" foods include: most whole grains, including pasta and
rice (moderate "yang" foods); shellfish and fish (moderate
"yang" foods); eggs, meat, poultry, salt (extreme
"yang" foods).
the body symptoms describe a warm or hot condition, a healthy diet should
emphasize cooling, cold, and neutral foods with fewer warm and hot foods in
order to achieve the balance and harmony to boost the immune system.
balance in Chinese exercise
is beneficial to the immune system:
- Physical exercise can flush out
bacteria and viruses from the lungs, and even carcinogens (causing cancer)
by increasing the output of wastes in the form of sweat and urine.
- Physical exercise not only
enhances the circulation of antibodies and white blood cells (the body's
defense cells) through the body, but also accelerates the release of
hormones that “warn” immune cells of intruding bacteria or viruses.
- Physical exercise temporarily
raises the body temperature to prevent bacterial growth, and thus enabling
the body to fight the infection more effectively.
- Physical exercise slows down
the release of stress-related hormones. Stress is the underlying cause of
many diseases.
according to research studies of laboratory mice by Nicolette Bishop,
an associate professor of sport and exercise sciences at Loughborough
University, intense exercise may also temporarily depress the
immune system, such that it not only increases its susceptibility to catching
an illness, but also aggravates the symptoms and severity of an illness.
Chinese have a different approach to physical exercise: qi
gong and tai chi focus on gentle movements
to open up arteries and smooth out blockage of internal life energy (qi).
Qi Gong
Secrets: Get your FREE qi gong video! Get over 200
pages of instructions and 8 hours of videos to learn the secrets of qi
gong to give you happiness, health, and vitality.
of Authentic Tai Chi: Discover the secrets of the ancient Chinese exercise that
can dramatically give you a healthy immune system to keep you fit and young.
exercises also focus on the importance of breathing, which is
related to good posture and
mindfulness. The former affects the circulation of qi, the
life-giving energy responsible for your overall health and wellness; the latter
is responsible for relaxation of the mind, and hence wellness of the mind.
balance in Chinese herbs
Chinese herbs, not their pharmaceutical counterparts in Western medicine,
create balance in the body system to enhance and protect the immune system.
of the common herbs to boost and protect the immune system include:
is the king of all immune system herbs because its roots, seeds, and leaves
increase the production of interferon, T-cells, and killer cells in the immune
system, which are responsible for killing foreign invaders as well as
protecting non-infected cells from viruses.
is safe and efficacious if it is used in small doses several times a day and
taken continuously for two weeks, and then off one week.
with its branched roots in the shape resembling that of the human form, is
called “man root” in Chinese. The word “ginseng” literally means
crystallization of the essence of the earth (“shen”) in the form of a man
(“jen”). Ginseng is the king of herbs due to its holistic-healing potency; that
is, it treats the whole body, not just a part of it. Ginseng is noted for its
adjusting, preventive, and restorative potency, in particular as a potent
immune stimulant. Ginseng is a versatile herb to boost the immune system.
has interferon, which protects non-infected cells from viruses. This herb is
potent against candida, and herpes, and other types of
book is an account of my own struggle with my myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune
disease, with suggestions on how you may protect your immune system, or even
overcome many of the disease symptoms of myasthenia gravis or any autoimmune
many years, I had been on steroid medications until I became disillusioned
about the efficacy of Western medicine in combating autoimmune diseases. (Visit
my website: Doctor, You're Fired!)
strongly believe that pharmaceutical drugs cannot eliminate the cause of a
disease; at best, they can only reduce the disease symptoms. You have to use
your wisdom to look at the pros and cons of taking any drug; nobody can make
the decision for you.
Take Control of Your Health, and Escape the Sickness
Industry. This informative and inspirational book by Elaine
Hollingsworth, the movie star turned heath crusade, explains in detail how
understanding dangerous drugs, unreliable medical tests, and often-times
unnecessary procedures may help you escape the sickness industry through
natural self-healing.
Hollingsworth's book was inspiring to me.
rude awakening came when I recalled that in ancient classics in Chinese
medicine the focus had always been on the "relationship" between
the patient and nature, rather than on the healing methods. It suddenly dawned
on me that healing is NOT about “waiting to be healed”—healing is about the
desire to heal from within, and not from an external source.
may come naturally in holistic living. A holistic approach to healing means an
alternative approach to disease. In the past two decades, many people have
sought alternative medicine after they have exhausted all treatments of
conventional medicine with respect to autoimmune diseases. Thousands of
research studies on plant nutrients and herbs, and vitamins and minerals
performed in university laboratories and clinical settings have attested to the
effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine.
cure any autoimmune disease you may have, you must empower yourself with
knowledge and information before you can embark on a holistic and alternative
approach to your health and wellness. Do not just think out of the box; create
your own box of thinking.
with an autoimmune disease is never easy; it requires much wisdom. First of
all, you need wisdom to accept the reality, rather than denying its existence.
You need wisdom to understand the disease symptoms, and how you may improve or
worsen your disease symptoms. You need wisdom to deal with everyday challenges
due to your disease symptoms. Then, you need wisdom to know your medical
options as well as the medications your doctor may have recommended. Finally,
you need wisdom to live your life as if everything
is a miracle.
by Stephen Lau
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