A happy marriage helps you live a stress-free life.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

As If Everything Is A Miracle

The cure of myasthenia gravis has to do with your belief that autoimmune diseases are curable and that the miracle of mind power is within you. Norman Cousins, the author, once said: "The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. This is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription." Use your mind to control your toxic body, but let your mind be supervised by your soul so that you can still live your life as if everything is a miracle, even with your myasthenia gravis. Therefore, find your own ingredients in your prescription for a cure of your myasthenia gravis or any autoimmune disease.

As If Everything Is A Miracle: This 125-page book is about the wisdom in living as if everything is a miracle, just as Albert Einstein once said: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is to live as if nothing is a miracle. The other is to live as if everything is a miracle."

This 125-page book is about the wisdom to rethink your mind, renew your body, and reconnect your soul to realign your being for total wellness and well-being to live stress-free as if everything is a miracle. In this day and age, living in different phases of life is challenging. For one thing, in this world of technology and information, many of us are addicted to speed, which seems like a prerequisite for success in career and in many others facets of life. As a result, stress is unduly created, which may lead to toxic actions, reactions, thoughts and emotions.

Consciously and subconsciously we have created for ourselves a world in which our bodies, our minds, and souls have become toxic and we live as if nothing is a miracle. To do just the opposite—living as if everything is a miracle—we have to renew the mind, renew the body, and reconnect the soul, and realign the being so that we know who we really are, instead of who we "think" we are.

Believe in yourself: believe that you can be a better, happier, and healthier you. Believe that you can be a centenarian, if you choose to. The only hurdle is stress in contemporary living. Learn how to overcome your stress by letting go of your ego-self. No Ego No Stress!

As If Everything Is A Miracle

Stephen Lau


  1. Natural Herbs Clinic provides Successful Myasthenia Gravis Natural Treatment without any side effects. Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Pumpkin Seeds, Almond, Garlic are some of Successful resources for natural treatment of Myasthenia Gravis.

  2. You can utilize Astragalus root extract to improve the optimal functioning of your immune system and area off fatigue. Due to this reason, it is a good herbal remedy for  Myasthenia Gravis Natural Treatment .
