A happy marriage helps you live a stress-free life.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sleep and Stress

Stress is the underlying cause of many diseases, including autoimmune diseases. Stress can often worsen the symptoms of an autoimmune disease. Therefore, it is important to have good sleep to reduce the stress level. Sleep is vital to wellness. A gold fish deprived of sleep will remain still for a prolonged period to make up for its lack of sleep. Natural sleep holds the key to living a stress-free life. The paradox is that we cannot have natural sleep if there are too many stressors in our lives. Living in this day and age, stress is an everyday phenomenon. In contemporary living, nearly every aspect of life and living involves speed, so much so that many of us have become addicted speed, and thus become time-stressed.

In our daily lives, there are so many chores we have to do, so many tasks we want to accomplish, so many life goals we hope to achieve, and so many dreams we wish to fulfill. We end up becoming unduly stressed, so much so that we cannot sleep at night, and, as a result, we resort to taking sleep medications. But do they work? No, they don’t work over the long haul. Worse, many of us may become addicted to these sleep medications, and we form a vicious circle of getting more sleeplessness and more sleep medications.

Natural sleep comes from relaxation of the body, the mind, and the soul. Without this total relaxation, we become stressed and restless. But how can we relax if we are unduly stressed by the many different things we think we must do?

Ask yourself these self-probing questions: Why do you think there are so many different things you must do? Where do they come from? Time is a leveler of man in that everyone has only 24 hours. Why do you seem to have less time than others?

The answer to these questions is simple: your ego.

The daily chores, the multi tasks, the life goals, the big dreams—they all originate from your ego self. You simply want to feel good about yourself. Your ego is behind everything that you wish for in life—a successful career, good relationships, and a happy family, and among others. But they all come with a price: your health. Ironically enough, they all stress you one way or another. When you become stressed, you cannot sleep, and you take sleep medications, which further impair your health. When your health deteriorates, you take more meditations, and thus a vicious circle is formed. Stress takes a toll on everything you wish for, everything you have set your mind to achieve and attain. The bottom line: you may end up getting nothing, except your broken and unfulfilled dreams.

So, what is the solution to the above? The starting point is letting go of your ego. Without your ego, you would have different perspectives of your desires and expectations in life; with different attitudes, you would take actions differently; most importantly, you would become less stressed. It is stress that takes away your natural sleep, your relaxation, your clarity of thinking—they all play a pivotal role in wisdom in living your life as if everything is a miracle.

No Ego No Stress: My book explains in detail how you can eliminate stress in your everyday life and living.

Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry: This informative and inspirational book by Elaine Hollingsworth, the movie-star-turned-heath-crusader, explains in detail how understanding dangerous drugs, unreliable medical tests, and often-times unnecessary procedures may help you escape the sickness industry through healthy sleep and natural health. Teach yourself self-responsibility—your greatest weapon in improving health at any age, and your first step in getting healthy sleep. Do not fall into the trap of the sickness industry by taking more dangerous drugs. Just tell your doctor, "You're fired!"

Without stress, there is no reason why you cannot have natural sleep, which is essential to longevity living.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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