A happy marriage helps you live a stress-free life.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Relaxation to Cope with Myasthenia Gravis Symptoms

Relaxation to Cope with Myasthenia Gravis Symptoms

To cope with many of the myasthenia gravis disease symptoms, you must know how to relax. Relaxation is more than just spending the weekend playing golf, or taking a vacation in the Bahamas. Relaxation is complete rest of the body and mind on a regular basis. Given the stressful environment you are living in, learning how to relax is no longer an option but a necessity—if you want to reduce stress and remain a super-ager. Relaxation affords peace of mind in daily life. To relax, you must live a stress-free life. 

What is stress? Stress comes from the ego: your way or no way! How to cope or deal with stress?

Stress is your body’s response to increased tension. Stress is normal, but too much stress can increase your production of hormone epinephrine (and thus wearing out your hormonal glands) with the following effects:

Blood sugar elevation to produce more energy
Breathing rate acceleration to get more oxygen
Muscle tension
Pulse rate and blood pressure increase
Sweating to cool down the body.

After the initial stressful stimuli, your body should be able to relax, slow down, and return to a state of equilibrium. However, if that does not happen, you will be distressed. In this capacity, stress may become one the major underlying causes of human diseases and disorders, including cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Relaxation is instrumental in stress relief by optimizing breathing, lowering blood sugar, cooling down the body, and regulating pulse rate and blood pressure. Therefore, learn how to relax to reduce stress.

In order to relax the body and mind, you must know how to relax.

1.    First and foremost, you have to recognize your stress, which is often reflected in disharmony and disparity in your everyday living. However, very often, many of us may go through life, accepting certain conditions as signs of age, and without realizing that they are in fact symptoms of the stress disease (yes, stress is a disease of the body and mind). Besides, the symptoms of stress, such as breathing problems, poor concentration, memory loss, chronic fatigue, indigestion, migraine headache, may also be mistaken as the symptoms of many other diseases and ailments. Due to their similarities, many of us simply do not recognize that we have a problem with stress.
2.    The next step is to identify your stressors, that is, the sources of your stress. A stress diary may help. Note what happened before the onset of your stress. Notice the changes of your body conditions during the stress. Also, pay attention to how and when you become relaxed, such as in the evenings when you are with your children. Keeping a stress diary will soon be able to help you identify your stressors in your life.
3.    How to relax requires you to take time to relax. Taking time to relax also implies finding time to relax, which means setting priorities in your life and stopping procrastination. Living in the present moment is an effective way to slow down a compulsive mind.
4.     Like self-healing, how to relax begins with the mind. If your mind does not relax, the body will not be able to relax. Stress is no more than a perception of the mind. That is to say, what is stress to you may not be stress to another individual, and vice-versa. So, change mindset of your perspective of stress. Plato, the famous Greek philosopher, once said, “Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.” Plato spoke volumes of the importance of developing a different perspective with respect to the perception of stress.
5.   Through mind power, you develop self-confidence with positive affirmations and creative visualization. Without self-confidence, overcoming any challenge in life may seem a hurdle that creates only fear and stress.
6.   How to relax involves the application of mental relaxation techniques, such as meditation, which focuses the mind on the present to the exclusion of thoughts of the past or the future. How to relax through the mind also trains you to let go of the past, and to overcome fear of the future—which is an important aspect of living without undue stress.
7.       Empower your mind to make changes in your lifestyle, such as adopting a healthy lifestyle. Healthy living not only avoids many health problems that may cause stress but also optimizes breathing right, which is an important component in relaxation and stress relief. The mind can also propel you to take up exercises, such as yoga or qi gong, which focus on “soft movements” and breathing to relax both the body and the mind.

Knowing how to relax holds the key to coping with your myasthenia gravis disease symptoms. All centenarians not only live a stress-free life, but also have the super-aging wisdom to relax for stress relief to stay younger and healthier for longer.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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