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Monday, February 25, 2019

Relaxation to Overcome Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease as a result of a dysfunctional immune system. The hallmark of myasthenia gravis is muscle weakness. To cope with the disease symptoms in the limbs and the eyes, learn to relax. Nowadays, the human mind is often too preoccupied with thoughts and worries about career, money, children, relationships, health, and social responsibilities that it is almost impossible to slow down. A compulsive mind is the underlying cause of many human diseases, including myasthenia gravis.

First and foremost, get rid of a compulsive mind, which is the underlying cause of stress, which is a complex problem involving the body's response to increased mental tension, which is a byproduct of modern living. Knowing how to relax is the only solution to this complex body-mind problem that may inhibit the natural cure of myasthenia gravis disease symptoms.

Relax with mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way of being—it has been around for millennia. Mindfulness is deliberate presence of mind in a non-judgmental way, often focusing on something apparently insignificant, such as our breathing. Mindfulness is letting go of doing, at least for now, and learning how to be in the present moment.

As an illustration, you have been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, and you feel distressed and distraught. Instead of taking drastic actions to cope with the disease symptoms, you let yourself to be doing less, but noticing more, with the ultimate objective of probe into your mind to release wisdom on how to deal with your myasthenia gravis. Mind empowering is important to recovery and recuperation from any disease. Read my book: As If Everything Is A Miracle to find out how to use the body, the mind, and the spirit to live as if everything is a miracle in your life.

Mindfulness begins with breathing. Be mindful of your breathing is the first step towards learning how to be mindful of everything around you. Notice how you breathe in and breathe out. We all breathe, but not many of us are mindful of our breaths, that is, how we breathe.

Relax by way of Zen

Learn how to relax by way of Zen by taking a holistic, practical, and honest approach to relaxation, which involves the body, the mind, and the spirit. Relaxation is not about taking a holiday, going fishing, watching a movie, or reading a book. According to Zen, relaxation is an integral part of life, without which there is no ultimate stress relief.

Learn how to deal with life's natural flow, and how to go along with it; that is, going around life's problems, instead of confronting them head on. It is all about spontaneity of living. Spontaneity is embracing all life problems; in any life situation, you can be either a student or a teacher, and make the most out of it.

Remember, according to Zen, life is simple, and never a problem. If life is a problem, it is because YOU have created the problem for yourself. If there is no problem, then why do you need a solution? Fixing a non-existing problem in life is only creating more problems for yourself.

Learn how to relax by acquiring the wisdom of neither avoiding problems in life, nor seeking solutions to problems that may not even have existed in the first place.

Learn the healing art of meditation. Free yourself from the thoughts and emotions that are holding you back in your life. Dramatically improve the quality of your life by enhancing the quality of your mind.

Relax with natural sleep

Sleep relaxes and rejuvenates both the body and the mind. Natural sleep is a natural human instinct for relaxation of muscles. According to Chinese medicine, natural sleep is holistic health and wellness. .

In a CNN news report, sleep deprivation affects the size of your brain. In the article, Dr. Neal Maru, a neurologist and sleep specialist with Integrated Sleep Services in Alexandria, Virginia, says: “Poor sleep can affect our immune system, our cardiovascular health, weight, and, of course, memories.” Indeed, insomnia is an immune system wrecker. Therefore, it is important to have natural sleep to protect your immune system to alleviate, if not to cure, your myasthenia gravis disease symptoms. 

Given that sleep is a natural process, it is against nature to artificially induce sleep with medications. Do not use sleep medicine to overcome insomnia. The reason is that all pharmaceutical drugs are loaded with toxic chemicals that further damage your compromised immune system.

Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry: is an informative and inspirational book by Elaine Hollingsworth, the movie-star-turned-heath-crusader, who explains in detail how understanding dangerous drugs, unreliable medical tests, and often-times unnecessary procedures may help you escape the sickness industry through healthy sleep and natural health. Do not fall into the trap of the sickness industry by taking more dangerous drugs, such as sleep medications, which not only are dangerous but also create the drug-dependence.

Stephen Lau
Copyright © by Stephen Lau

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