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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Natural Remedies

To take or not to take myasthenia gravis medications—that is the question.

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease. The main characteristic of myasthenia gravis is weakness of muscles, which can affect the limbs, the eyes, and the throat. Weak muscles of limbs may result in immobility; of the eyes may result in doubt vision and other vision problems, of the throat may result in difficulty in swallowing food. This muscular dysfunctional condition is believed to result from an immune disorder that causes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to become less effective.

According to conventional Western medicine, there is no known cure, except controlling its severe disease symptoms through medications.

To take or not to take myasthenia gravis medications?

Consider the pros and cons of medications to control the disease symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

The disease symptoms can be distressing, devastating, debilitating—even life threatening if there is difficulty in swallowing due to weak esophagus muscles. Getting the autoimmune disease changes completely your way of living.

Remissions and relapses are common even with medications.

The severity of the disease symptoms varies considerably even from day to day. As a result, it may be difficult to control the dosage of the medications taken.

Mestinon, Regonol, and Prostigmin are the most commonly used oral medications to treat muscle weakness without affecting the underlying disease that causes it. Therefore, these drugs are often given in conjunction with other treatments. All these drugs have different side effects: narrowing of the muscle of the iris in the eye, causing the pupil to become smaller; increased nasal and bronchial secretions, as well as increased saliva and urination; loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps; and urinary tract infections, among many others.

Doctors may be dangerous, and so are their drugs. Is the doctor just treating the disease symptoms or the patient? This is an important factor to consider. After all, myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that involves the whole body of the patient. Does the doctor have a holistic approach to the disease? Does the doctor give advice to the patient about diet and exercise other than just prescribing the medications?

Western doctors are taught in medical schools that illnesses are self-limiting—that is to say, we can get better on our own. If that is the case, then why do some doctors readily prescribe drugs to their patients?

It is a fact that the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry has been aggressively promoting their products with little or no regard for their safety and long-term side effects. In addition, the media have been convincing the public with myths about the potency of pharmaceutical drugs. Of course, the general public also plays a pivotal part in the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs. According to a journal of the American Psychiatric Society, the seniors are using prescription drugs three times more than people in the general population.

Modern Western medicine has led many of us to believe that healing is a complex process, involving high technology, complex drugs and procedures. It is human nature not only to learn but also to accept belief systems, theories, and so-called facts without challenging them. Truly, medical professionals are experts in their respective fields, and, obviously, they know more than we do, and have more experience than we have. However, that does not imply that we must accept all their opinions without fully understanding what they are.

Most people are just too ready and too willing to look for a quick fix. They overlook that the human body is equipped with its own self-healing organism; this is demonstrated by the fact that when you accidentally cut yourself, the wound will heal by itself. Unfortunately, many of us may have doubt about the body's own capability in self-healing. Instead, we are willing to go along with what our doctors say, although many mistakes, even fatal ones, are made by these professionals. As a matter of fact, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 100,000 Americans died in hospitals from the side effects of dangerous drugs in 1998.

Because of the abuse and misuse of dangerous drugs, millions of people are suffering needlessly as a direct consequence of the unconscionable zeal of the pharmaceutical industry to rake up billions of dollars of profit aided and abetted by scientists and researchers who have been paid handsomely, even to the extent of falsifying test and research results.

It is a fact that billions of dollars are spent on treating diseases, while relatively little is spent on investigating the causes of diseases. This partly explains why many individuals have now begun to explore the avenues of alternative medicine for natural healing. They would just love to tell their doctors: "Doctor, you're fired!"

Take control of your health, and escape the sickness industry. This informative and inspirational book by Elaine Hollingsworth, the movie star turned heath crusade, explains in detail how understanding dangerous drugs, unreliable medical tests, and often-times unnecessary procedures may help you escape the sickness industry through natural self-healing.

Empower yourself with knowledge to make the right medical decisions regarding your health, especially your myasthenia gravis. 

Teach yourself self-responsibility—your greatest weapon in improving health, and your first step in beginning natural self-healing against any autoimmune disease.

Stop taking dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, especially steroids, to begin your long but safe self-healing process!

Read my book for information on how I cope with My Myasthenia Gravis.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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