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Monday, February 5, 2018

Detox by Fasting

Having an autoimmune disease means having a toxic body. All these years you may have accumulated toxins in your body, making it toxic. A toxic body leads to a dysfunctional immune system, and hence the development of an autoimmune disease, including myasthenia gravis. Western medicine uses toxic drugs, such as steroids, to control the many disease symptoms of an autoimmune disease. But the long-term adverse side effects are more toxins in the body. The only solution to improve the disease symptoms is getting rid of the toxins.

Internal cleansing is detoxification, which involves dislodging your body toxins and waste products from within and between cells and joints, and then transporting these wastes from your body for removal.

Fasting is internal cleansing and rejuvenation—one of the most efficient ways to detoxify your body of toxins. Fasting is to recovery, as sleep is to recuperation.
Fasting is voluntary abstinence from food and drink, except water, for an extended period. Fasting is the best way to detoxify your body.

The benefits of fasting:

Fasting accelerates the self-healing process of your body because fasting temporarily stops the continuing work of your digestive system, and therefore instrumental in reserving that energy for your self-healing. By conserving the energy otherwise used in digesting food, fasting provides you with more, not less, energy, contrary to the myth that fasting makes your body weak. Remember, eating and digesting food expends your energy too.

Fasting activates the immune system in your body to protect you from disease.

Fasting relieves the burden of not only your digestive tract, but also your liver and kidneys, which have to work extra hard to remove additives and toxins accumulated in your body through improper eating. Fasting removes the underlying cause of any chronic disease you may have by removing the toxins, not just the symptoms, as in the case of medications.

Fasting may alleviate your body pain and rid your body of any drug dependence. Fasting facilitates you, if you are a smoker, to quit smoking during a fast. Nicotine damages the immune system.

The process of fasting

Eat more vegetables and fruits prior to a fast. Reduce the consumption of meat, and refrain from eating any meat the day before a fast.

On the first day, you may feel pangs of hunger, with a white coating on your tongue. This is just a natural response of the body to the cessation of eating. On the first day, you may experience physical weakness, which is also a natural response of your body.

On the second day, you may begin to feel gradual dissipation of hunger, with more white coating on your tongue.

On the third day, you may feel complete disappearance of hunger and the clearance of coating on your tongue..

The first three days of a fast are most challenging. However, once the challenge is overcome, you are well on the way to rejuvenation of your entire body. Remember, Jesus, too, fasted for forty days.

What to do during a fast

Drinking plenty of water is required since your body may easily become dehydrated due to the discharge of body fluids.

Continue your normal daily routine activities, but avoid all strenuous activities, especially those outdoor ones. Exercise as normal.

Bathe more frequently. Brush your body to stimulate your skin to rid toxins from your body.

Stop taking your daily vitamins while fasting..

Stop smoking if you are a smoker. That is as good a time as any to quit smoking for good.

How to break a fast

Break a fast on fruits and vegetables juice. Eating an apple is ideal for breaking a fast.

Gradually increase your intake of solid food. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Overeating too soon may cause abdominal pain and even vomiting.

Avoid taking salt and pepper immediately after a fast, lest they damage your stomach lining.

Continue to drink plenty of water after a fast.

Remember, the longer the fast, the less you should eat at the first meal.

Duration of a fast

clear tongue and clean breath are a good indication that the cleansing is more or less complete.

The length of a fast depends very much on an individual. The following is just a general guideline:

A one-day fast, as often as required, preferably weekly, for good health maintenance

A three-to-four-day fast for general health and well being, several times a year

A two-week fast for complete internal cleansing, every year or so

A three-week fast (or even longer) for curing a specific disease, under the supervision of a physician.

It is suggested that you begin with a short fast, and then proceed to a
longer fast for complete internal cleansing.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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